Sustainability Forum

Sustainability Forum 2023

29 Jun 2023

The 2023 ASECAP Sustainability Forum took place on 29 June 2023 in Vienna. The Sustainability Forum addressed the following issues:

- What are the credible plan, vision to deploy?
- How to reach the sustainability aims, like net zero emissions in Scope 1, 2 and 3?
- How to ensure the resilience of the road infrastructure?
- How to make our infrastructure ready for the new challenges?
- What kind of investments are needed? How to finance them?
- How to approach the EU Taxonomy, which sectoral activities should be considered as taxonomy eligible and which as taxonomy aligned?

Furthermore, the motorway operators presented their view, plan, vision for a sustainable road transport infrastructure including deployment of alternative fuel plan aligned with the political goals to reach carbon-free mobility.

Final Programme


Video Message by Leonore Gewessler, Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Video Message by Barbara Thaler, MEP, TRAN Committee, European Parliament 

Polestar 0 project: On a moonshot mission, Thomas Hörmann, Managing Director, Polestar Austria

POLITICAL SESSION: Energy transition: What are realistic scenarios for road decarbonization?

Video Message by Kristian Schmidt, Director Land Transport, DG MOVE, European Commission

TECHNICAL SESSION: Highlights to reduce CO2 emissions in road management and operation (Scope 1, 2 and 3)
Moderator: René Moser, ASFINAG 

Paving the way with sustainability, Diego Galletta, Autostrade per l’italia

ASFINAG’s climate protection and environmental action program: Our strategy to achieve climate neutrality, Ulli Vielhaber, ASFINAG

Looking beyond Fit for 55, Franco Caruso, Brisa

Organising for lower scope 3 emissions, Claus Frelle-Petersen, Sund & Bælt Holding A/S

AI for highways asset management: a construction materials digital platform supporting the 2050 carbon neutrality ambition, Nicolas Miravalls, ORIS

TECHNICAL SESSION: Resilience and climate change adaptation solutions
Moderator: Alenka Košič, DARS

Natural hazards, climate change adaption and resilience: Challenges on the Austrian Alp crossing highways, Sandra Ulrich, ASFINAG

Climate change impacts on infrastructure and traffic management in Slovenia, Emilija Erent, DARS

Adaptation to Climate Change in the APCAP Network, Margarida Braga, BGI – Brisa Gestão de Infraestruturas, S.A & Luís Trabulo, Ascendi

Climate change in the Mediterranean basin: Italy’s case and the impact of climate change on road and motorway infrastructures, Valerio Molinari, Miriam Olmeda Alarcon, Ecogest


TECHNICAL SESSION: Alternative fuels infrastructure implementation plans and green innovations
Moderator: Emanuela Stocchi, AISCAT

The Milan Green Way: a pioneering MaaS (mobility as a service) project, Beniamino Lo Presti, Milano-Serravalle Anticipating the transition towards alternative fuels, Noémie Frontère, ASFA

E-Power by ASFINAG – E-Charging implementation plan for Austria's motorways, Bernhard Hintermayer, ASFINAG

Solutions for the decarbonisation of mobility along the A22, Ilaria De Biasi, Autostrada del Brennero SpA Autobahn’s strategy to achieve climate neutrality and e-charging implementation plan, Oliver Krenz,

Die Autobahn Invitation to the ASECAP Annual Days 2023, Serhat Soğukpinar, General Manager, ICA

Media coverage:

Bright shiny green future, published in the July/August 2023 issue of ITS international (page 16 to 18) - the same article was also published on ITS International website on 30 August 2023 (link)

Vision Journal website (26 June 2023)

A new mobility for European citizens, by Malika Seddi, General Secretary of ASECAP in the Vision Journal - Sustainability Special Issue "Operators' green initiatives for roads and railways"

Vision Journal website (6 July 2023)