The General Assembly is composed of all the members of the Association, full and associate. Supporting partners are invited to attend as observers. In addition to the competences reserved to it, the General Assembly decides on all the questions submitted by the Executive Committee in the context of the Association’s activities.
The Executive Committee is composed of the President of the Association, the first and second Vice Presidents and the immediate past President, as well as the Permanent Representatives of five full members of the Association. Moreover, the Secretary-General and the chairpersons of the Association's domains of interest also form part of the COMEX, without voting rights. The Executive Committee is vested with the power to examine all actions falling within the Association's technical and political domains of interest. It decides the action plans and the establishment and composition of the committees, sub-committees, technical structures and working groups required to support the objectives of the Association in its domains of interests.The decisions of the Executive Committee are ratified by the General Assembly.
The ASECAP domains of interest are:
Each domain of ASECAP interest functions under a Chairperson. The domains’ Chairpersons act in close coordination with each other and with the Secretary-General / CEO.
Depending on the ASECAP action plans and priorities, a Chairperson of a domain of ASECAP Interest may be assisted by 1-3 Vice-Chairs. With the agreement of the ASECAP Executive Committee, the Chairpersons of the domains of ASECAP interest, define their specific action plans and the time horizons and build various task forces inside the Permanent Committees, whose members they appoint from the ASECAP pool of experts.
These Committees analyse the EU transport realities taking into account the ASECAP interest and submit to the Executive Committee their coordinated proposals for ASECAP action plans. For this purpose, the COPER chairs rely on a team of Vice-Chairs and have access to a pool of experts from ASECAP’s full and associate members.
The Charipersons of the ASECAP domains of interest are:
Pedro Pinto is Toll General Manager at Ascendi, a Portuguese company that operates in the road infrastructure sector as a concessionaire, O&M and toll collection services. Pedro Pinto has the responsibility for all Ascendi’s Road Concessions (6) and for the organisation and operation of the Toll Collection business services (9 operations), comprising the management of traditional and all electronic tolls schemas (MLFF). Pedro Pinto has more than 20 years of experience in the road infrastructure sector with previous professional experiences as Toll Manager (Director), IT Manager (Director) and Controller. Pedro Pinto has a degree in Management and BusinessAdministration and a Post-Degree in Information Management all from the Portuguese Catholic University. Pedro Pinto currently is the coordinator of the Toll Committee Group for the Portuguese Association of ConcessionCompanies and Toll Motorways (APCAP). Acted as Secretary of the General Assembly for the Portuguese ITS Association. Is an expert member for electronic toll subjects in the European Commission, and recently was appointed Chair of the Coper I group (Tolls) for ASECAP (European Association of Road Concessionaire and Toll Operators), is also a member of the executive board of the EFP Facilitation Platform, a group for the implementation of the electronic toll interoperability in Europe
Emanuela Stocchi is an expert in EU legislation and policies and she is the Director of International Affairs for AISCAT (Associazione Italiana Società Concessionarie Autostrade e Trafori), the Italian Association of Toll Highways Concessionaires Companies. In this role she ensures the Association’s contacts with the EU Institutions and other European and International organizations active in the transportation field. She fluently speaks Italian, French, English and Spanish.
Emanuela has an outstanding International background: she holds a degree in Political Science with a specialization in EU law and policies and she has worked in Brussels for eight years with ASECAP, the European Association of Toll Highways Concessionaires Companies, gaining a solid and comprehensive knowledge of all the EU Institutional and public affairs and expanding at the same time her EU and International network in the transportation area.
Emanuela is still very active within ASECAP, being Deputy Member of the ASECAP Executive Committee and Chair of the ASECAP Permanent Committee of Road Safety,Environment and Sustainability. She has also served PIARC (World Road Association) as Chair of the PIARC Task Force on Innovative Financing and she is currently serving as French-speaking secretary of the PIARC Terminology Committee.
Emanuela served as well IBTTA (International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association - the worldwide alliance of toll operators and of the businesses that serve tolling) and its members through work on several committees before being appointed to the Board of Directors in 2011. Emanuela served a two-year term as International Vice President, before a three-year term as Second and then First Vice President followed President in 2017 and finally, Immediate Past President in 2018. She is currently serving in the Advisory Council of the IBTTA Past Presidents.
03/2024 – today Chairperson on ITS, ASECAP, Brussels Chair of the permanent committee on Intelligent Transport Systems and Connected & Autonomous Vehicles
05/2022 – today Project Manager, ASFINAG Maut Service GmbH, Klagenfurt Managed digitalization projects for C-ITS (Car2X) applications and developing new C-ROADS Use-Cases Participated in C-ITS working groups (Car2Car, C-ROADS)
11/2021 – 04/2022 Global Product Manager, AVL List GmbH, Graz Global operative and strategic product management of "Load-Systems" for automotive testing (Engine, Powertrain and Drivetrain Testing) für
07/2017 – 11/2021 Project Engineer Dynamometers, AVL List GmbH, Graz Engineering and management of R&D projects for Load-Systems for automotive testing.
08/2016 – 04/2017 Civil Service, Austrian Red Cross, Sankt Veit a. d. Glan
Bachelor in Economics (University of Ljubljana). More than 20 years’ experience in motorway development, operations and financing. Since 2013 responsible for international relations, and EU funds financing at DARS d.d., Slovenian Motorway Company. Before 2013 in charge of strategic and annual planning, motorway development, project monitoring and reporting. She has participated in several European and cross-border projects, such as C-Roads, Crocodile, Easyway, PROMET, TIP etc. She is actively involved in the ASECAP activities and PIARC (World Road Association) task forces.