The “HELLENIC ASSOCIATION of TOLL ROAD NETWORK” with the distinctive title “HELLASTRON” is the Association representing all toll modern motorways and road infrastructures operating in Greece. It is a non-profit organization and the following companies are represented:• Attiki Odos S.A. • Gefyra S.A.
• Egnatia Odos S.A. • Nea Odos S.A. • Moreas S.A. • Aegean Motorway S.A. • Olympia Odos S.A. • Odos Kentrikis Elladas S.A. (E-65)
The organization was created with the overall aim to promote road transport in Greece and in the Region. Within its framework the objectives include inter alia:• The promotion of road safety;• The continuous improvement of the road infrastructures and the service provided to the users;• The promotion of research on transport issues through partnerships with relevant Organizations and Institutes in Greece and abroad;• The development of professional construction and management activities related to road infrastructures, the creation of skilled and informed personnel and the exchange of relevant know-how;• The participation in the corresponding organizations in Europe and worldwide.HELLASTRON MembersATTICA TOLLWAY Attica Tollway is a pioneering project in Attica/Greece, constructed on a concession basis and constitutes one of the biggest co-financed road projects in Europe. It belongs to the first generation of co-financed projects awarded in Greece during the ’90s and essentially paved the way and laid the foundations for the execution of future successful concession contracts, in Greece and in other European countries. Attica Tollway is a modern motorway extending along 70 km. It constitutes the ring road of the greater metropolitan area of Athens and the backbone of the road network of the whole Attica Prefecture. It is an urban motorway, with two separate directional carriageways, each consisting of 3 lanes and an emergency lane (hard shoulder). The suburban railway of Athens has been constructed in the central reservation of the motorway. Attica Tollway constitutes a unique piece of infrastructure, even in European terms, since it is essentially a closed toll motorway, within a metropolitan capital, where the problem of traffic congestion is acute.Moreover, Attica Tollway:• Forms the main backbone that links all the modes of transportation and infrastructures in the Attica region: i.e. road, air, rail and sea;• Significantly improves traffic conditions within the capital, by absorbing a significant portion of the daily traffic moving across the Attica basin;• Contributes to urban development and completion of physical planning in the Attica prefecture;• Promotes the strategic restructuring of the energy and telecommunication networks;• Contributes to the residential and business development of the remote areas of Attica;• Cares through the consistent maintenance of the project (preventive and corrective) for safe transport of users;• Supports with consistency and quality all services provided to users and subscribers and facilitates their daily movements;• Seeks and enhances communication with users and the public.For more information, please consult www.aodos.grRION ANTIRION BRIDGE GEFYRA S.A., Concession Company of the “Charilaos Trikoupis” Rion-Antirion Bridge, was founded in 1995, undertaking, on behalf of the Greek State, the construction and operation of the Project, over a period that started in 1997 and may last until 2039. The story of the construction of the most important (at least in technical terms) project of Greece reports significant successes such as the completion of the project 4 months ahead of its contractual schedule, the non-overruns of the budget and the progress of the whole procedure without a single drop of blood being shed, i.e. without any serious labor accident despite the huge volume of works, the numerous human resources and the works that were carried out at particularly important heights and depths. This particular relation with the people safety constituted the most important, in human terms, heritage entrusted by the first phase of the Concession to the second one, the operation phase. The Bridge users safety is the upmost concern of the planning elaborated by both the concession company and the operation company (GEFYRA LITOURGIA S.A.); its result prove without a doubt that we continue the topmost priority set by the French VINCI Group, major shareholder of both entities. Comfort while crossing the Bridge is the second component of the two major priorities set by the people responsible for the Bridge, going beyond what is required to simply ensure the unhindered traffic flow during the 2.5 minutes of the crossing of Korinthiakos Gulf. The toll lanes dedicated to light and heavy vehicles that choose to cross by adopting the electronic subscription contribute to the allocation of the traffic in a way that promotes the sufficiency of a toll station designed to support both traffic directions with up to 12 lanes in total. Among the 16 different products offered by Gefyra, the electronic crossing is the one that creates the conditions for an upgraded “role” (and not the simple capacity of the user) that GEFYRA S.A. intends for its clients, since the electronic crossing is the one that concentrates the most privileges compared to all other products offered by the company.The GEFYRA e-pass holder is in fact the perfect sample of the person enjoying the services offered by a modern road concession infrastructure thanks to the “dedicated” lane that prevents losing time with the toll transactions, the possibility of making transactions and paying the subscription on the Internet, the regular electronic communication (on commercial and other issues), the invitations to dialogue meetings in order to improve the services offered, the interoperability of the transponder and the future offers.GEFYRA S.A., as a private provider of public service, aims at ensuring a high level of service, while the fact that a person using the Bridge is both a client enjoying privileges and a Greek citizen who is entitled to enjoy a high level public service forms the core of its corporate philosophy. This assumption resulted in the motto “Citizen – Client: a combined action”, which gives an idea about the intentions of the concessionaire.Finally, the recent rearrangement of the clients and citizens lobby next to the Antirion Toll Plaza offers them the possibility of a short break, having access to WiFi and PCs, articles exhibiting the history of the Bridge, souvenirs and a face to face service provided with the directness and the particular way of our Customer Service.For more information, please consult – tel. (+30) 26340-39010 & 39011.EGNATIA MOTORWAYThe Egnatia Motorway and its vertical axes are the backbone of Northern Greece transport system. With a length of 657 km, it is the first high standard road axis that runs “horizontally” through Greece from Igoumenitsa to Kipoi-Evros. It shortens distances and brings areas like Epirus, Western Macedonia and Thrace out of their isolation. It multiplies investment in transport, industry and tourism.
The Egnatia Motorway is the most important modern infrastructure project concerning the development and communication of our country with Europe, the Balkans and Asia Minor. It is part of the Trans-European Transport Network. The Egnatia Motorway is also a collector route for the Balkan and South-eastern European transport system. Pan-European Corridors IV (Berlin – Sofia – Thessaloniki), IX (Helsinki – Alexandroupolis) and X (Vienna – Belgrade – Thessaloniki) all end at the Egnatia Motorway. The motorway is connected with 4 ports, 6 airports and 9 vertical axes that ensure access to the countries of South-Eastern Europe. Along the route of the Egnatia Motorway, one can find areas of exquisite natural beauty (e.g. the mountainous areas of Northern Pindos, the wetlands of Aliakmonas, Strimonas, Nestos and Evros Rivers, Koroneia and Volvi Lakes) and of unique historic importance (e.g. the archaeological site of Dodoni, the remains of ancient Egnatia etc.). Technical CharacteristicsThe Egnatia Motorway is a highway of international standards; its total length is 670 km and its cross section 24.5m (22 m in mountainous areas). It is a dual carriageway separated by a median, with two traffic lanes and a hard shoulder per direction, except for a 45 km long section (Klidi – Thessaloniki – Derveni) that has three traffic lanes and a hard shoulder per carriageway.TunnelsThe Egnatia Motorway has a total of 73 road tunnels of an overall combined length of 50 km (100 km measured as single bore). This means that 7% of the overall length of the motorway is being carried through tunnels. Their construction cost -including all E&M systems-amounts to 30% of the total estimated construction cost.
The majority is bored tunnels, while in certain cases the cut&cover construction has been applied to. Fifteen (15) of these tunnels are classified as large, with lengths ranging from 800 m to 4.6 km.All tunnels are twin-bore ones. Each traffic direction is carried through a separate bore and a main consideration in their design is the provision for cross passages connecting the tunnel bores to ensure safe passage in case of a fire emergency. Special emphasis is laid on the installation of a high standard monitoring and control system, which ensures the safe operation of tunnels.StructuresAlong the axis of the Egnatia Motorway there are about 177 large struc¬tures (bridges, over / underpasses) with a length of over 50m., and more than a thousand small culverts of a span of up to 6 m. The major struc¬tures of the axis comprise bridges with special features, such as lengths of 1,000 m., individual spans up to 235 m and pier heights of 110 m.For more information, please consult: NEA ODOS Nea Odos is the concession company which has undertaken the study, design, construction, operation, exploitation and maintenance of “Ionia Odos” concession project. This inspired project is divided into two main sections and includes the construction works of the homonymous motorway – Ionia Odos – as well as of PATHE motorway.
More specifically, “Ionia Odos”, as a concession project with a total length of about 380 km, includes:
1. a) the homonymous motorway “Ionia Odos” of an approximate length of 196 km from Antirio to Ioanina (interchange with Egnatia Odos);2. b) a section of PATHE motorway of an approximate length of 172,5 km from Metamorphossi Interchange to Skarfia, after Kamena Vourla;3. c) the connecting branch Schimatari – Chalkida of PATHE motorway of a total length of 11 km.Ionia Odos constitutes the connecting branch between Antirio bridge and the interchange of Egnatia Odos at Ioanina. This motorway is of paramount importance, both at social and developmental level, since:• It connects Western Greece with the rest of the country by significantly upgrading urban and rural centers such as Ioanina, Arta and Agrinio;• It connects more adequately the ports of Patra, Astakos and Igoumenitsa;• It contributes to the wider development of the region by improving accessibility in areas with high tourist and archaeological interest, since upon completion of its construction, the trip from Antirio to Ioanina will last 1 hour and 40 minutes compared to 3 hours and 30 minutes needed today.It is a project that crosses two regions and four prefectures, meets a long-existing demand, providing a new growth boost. Its technical characteristics include among others: 24 bridges of an total length of 7 km, 4 tunnels of a total length of 11,2 km, 77 underpasses and 24 overpasses.
A series of major projects is been scheduled and executed, thus turning the PATHE motorway into a modern and safe motorway. Those 172,5 km from Metamorfossi to Skarfia shall be transformed into a standard reference point both for Greek and international standards. The existing works include road widening, change of the safety barriers and new alignment at the area of Yliki, with a view to eliminating the turnings known to be dangerous, reconstruction of Interchanges, improvement of horizontal and vertical signage etc.
Apart from the construction based on the most modern, reliable international standards, a motorway – just like a living organism – requires continuous monitoring in order to be kept in excellent, safe mode. Nea Odos has undertaken the 30-year operation and maintenance of Ionia Odos concession project. The main responsibilities are the following: traffic control and monitoring as well as emergency situation management through the special Traffic Management Centers and the 24 hour patrols, the scheduling and management of the required maintenance works as well as various routine tasks such as road cleaning. More specifically, the critical sector of maintenance includes: daily inspections, scheduled and unscheduled repair works as well as maintenance works concerning the company’s vehicle fleet and its facilities.
The top priority of Nea Odos is to ensure the safety of motorway users. At the same time, our main concern is to make them feel that Nea Odos is the best possible travelling companion. In the view of offering high quality services, the company has designed and provides to the motorway users the following services: 4-digit emergency telephone number (1075), Customer Care Call Center, Emergency phones located along the motorway, 24/7 Motorist Service Stations (MSS) and free road assistance to immobilized vehicles, thus ensuring the removal of the immobilized vehicles from the motorway and their transport to a safe place.
The primary objective is to provide safe and faster transportation conditions as well as high quality services to all Greek citizens.
For more information, please consult: MOREAS MOTORWAYMoreas Motorway (Korinthos – Tripoli – Kalamata and Lefktro – Sparti branch) is part of the second-stage improvement of the country’s strategic road network. The objective of the project, which is part of the Trans-European Network (TEN), is to be a key driver for regional development throughout the Peloponnese.Moreas Motorway reduces significantly travel times within the region. This has already been achieved along the main link: it now takes just over 2 hours to reach Kalamata or Sparti from Athens. Moreover, the upgrading of the routes to motorway standards ensures significant traffic safety benefits for the Peloponnese.Key Facts• Total length: 205 km (of which 82 km involve pre-existing sections that were upgraded as a priority at the beginning of the concession); 205 km in operation (routes from Korinthos to Kalamata and Korinthos to Sparti, including the Kalamata By-Pass);• Cross-section: 2 lanes per direction with a central reserve (median barrier);• Number of interchanges: 24;• Design speeds up to 130 km/h; mountainous and flat terrain combination;• Bridges (>150m): Total motorway length ~2.3 km Total number of service areas: 4 pairs;• Total number of toll stations in the project: 6 mainline toll plazas + 3 pairs of ramp plazas;• Tunnels: Five twin tunnels, with a total tube length of 5 km. Operation in accordance with the European 2004/54 Directive (length exceeding 500m). The longest is Artemisio Tunnel with a length of approximately 1.4 km;• Average traffic volume (2014): average section traffic ~9,600 vehicles per day. Operation & Maintenance Facilities Already In Operation:
Project Benefits• Road Safety Benefits;• Inherent safety of motorways;• Road safety audits;• Reduction in accident severity during the Concession period;• Faster road connection between the Peloponnese and Athens, as well as within the Peloponnese;• Respect to the natural and man-made environment, at all stages (design, construction and operation);• Employment (direct and indirect impact during construction and throughout operation);• Electronic tolling interoperability.
For more information, please consult: AEGEAN MOTORWAYAegean Motorway S.A. was established in June12, 2007 with its exclusive scope of works being is the design, construction, financing, operation, maintenance and exploitation of PATHE Motorway, section Maliakos – Kleidi (i.e. the section of the motorway that , extends from Raches in the Prefecture of Fthiotida to Kleidi, Imathia, covering a total of 230 Km). The Project undertaken by Aegean Motorway SA comprises:
• the rehabilitation and upgrading of the existing motorway of 230 km;• the construction of a new section of 26 km motorway which includes 2 twin tunnels at the Tempi Valley, 2 and 6 Km. long (the longest road tunnel in the Balkans), 1 twin tunnel at Platamonas 2.7 Km. long, 14 Km of open road construction, 22 bridges, 5 interchanges, 5 new Motorist Service Stations per direction, etc., as well as• the operation and maintenance for a period of 30 years of both existing motorway and new section. The Project’s objective is to remove the last, really dangerous and key point of the Athens-Thessaloniki road connection. It is a public work of immense national importance with social and financial benefits for the entire country in the medium and long run.
For more information, please consult: OLYMPIA ODOSOlympia Odos is one of the major projects of strategic national importance constructed in Greece. It’s a modern motorway complying with the European standards that will connect the Peloponnese with the rest of Greece and Europe.Olympia Odos is a 30-year concession project consisting of the design, construction, maintenance and operation of the 202 km long Elefsina – Korinthos – Patras Road Axis.The new, modern and comfortable motorway will offer an upgraded and safe connection to the western part of Greece and in particular to and from the Port of Patras, archeological sites and tourist areas, and will boost the exports and the agricultural production.Olympia Odos is the only project constructed under traffic and therefore is one of the most difficult projects currently constructed in Greece. The widening of the existing road is made either on one or on both sides, depending on the area. In particular, 120 km out of the total 202 km of Korinthos – Patras motorway are under construction. The geological conditions, the geotechnical difficulties and the environmental conditions on Korinthos – Patras section under construction as well as the requirements set by the modern specifications for motorway alignment requiring sufficient geometrical features impose the construction of a large number of tunnels. The new Korinthos – Patras motorway will have more than 16 km of tunnels. In particular, it will have twelve tunnels in total in the areas of Derveni, Mavra Litharia, Akrata, Platanos and Panagopoula. The longest motorway tunnel, of 4,014 m, is located in the area of Panagopoula. In same road section 209 bridges / overpasses and underpasses are constructed, the longest of which is over Krathis River, of 190 m.Upon completion of the motorway, the drivers will enjoy high-level road safety in an environment presenting uniform characteristics and large traffic capacity, as well as road services and of course decrease of the travel time between Athens and Patras.For more information, please consult: KENTRIKI ODOSOdos Kentrikis Ellados or Kentriki Odos is the concession company which has undertaken the study, design, construction, operation, exploitation and maintenance of “Central Greece Motorway – E65” concession project. This project, measuring 231 km in total, is considered to be of strategic importance for the development of the country and concerns the construction of the Central Greece motorway (E65), from the semi-junction with PATHE at Thermopiles I/C to the semi-junction with Egnatia Odos after Oksinia (of a total length of 174 km), as well as the management and maintenance of PATHE section from Skarfia to Raches (of a total length of 57 km).Central Greece (E65) Motorway disposes the necessary capacity of a modern 2-lane motorway in each direction and crosses the plain of Fthiotida, the Othrys mountain, the plain of Thessaly and Penaeus river passing near the city of Karditsa, Trikala, Kalampaka to the foothills of Antichassia, Ion river and mountains of Chasia to be eventually connected with Egnatia Odos in the forest area of Pindos. This is one of the most important national projects of particular strategic importance for the development of the country and the region. It is entirely constructed on new alignment and actually connects Eastern Greece to Western Greece. The design is based on contemporary national and European standards, with respect to the natural and human environment, aiming at safety and ease of users and to ensure maximum time and fuel saving. Indicatively, the trip from Lamia to Egnatia will be completed in 1 hour and 30 minutes compared to 2 hours and 30 minutes needed today. The most important technical characteristics are the following:• 15 Interchanges;• 6 Motorway Service Stations;• 3 Fire and Traffic Stations;• 7 x 2 Tunnels (of a total length of 18.285 m.);• 146 Bridges (Overpasses/Underpasses);• 88 Fauna Passages.The construction of Central Greece (E65) Motorway road axle:• contributes to the regional development and economic cohesion;• completes the transportation system at regional and local level;• improves the traffic speed, safety conditions and reduces accidents;• connects Central Greece with TEN (Trans-European Networks);• connects the ports of Igoumenitsa and Volos;• ensures higher level of service. The section of the motorway from Skarfia to Raches gave a solution to the major problem of road safety at the Petalo of Maliakos. Furthermore, all drivers may use a modern and high-quality motorway with 2 lanes in each direction plus an Emergency Lane (LEA), three (3) double-tube tunnels, five (5) viaducts and high-quality infrastructure.Apart from the construction based on the most modern, reliable international standards, a motorway – just like a living organism – requires continuous monitoring in order to be kept in excellent, safe mode. Kentriki Odos has undertaken the 30-year operation and maintenance of Aftokinitodromos Kentrikis Ellados – E65 concession project. The main responsibilities are the following: traffic control and monitoring as well as emergency situation management through the special Traffic Management Centers and the 24 hour safety patrols, the scheduling and management of the required maintenance works as well as various routine tasks such as road cleaning. More specifically, the critical sector of maintenance includes: daily inspections, scheduled and unscheduled repair works as well as maintenance works concerning the company’s vehicle fleet and its facilities.The top priority of Kentriki Odos is to ensure the safety of motorway users. At the same time, our main concern is to make them feel that Kentriki Odos is the best possible travelling companion. In the view of offering high quality services, the company has designed and provides to the motorway users the following services: 4-digit emergency telephone number (1075), Customer Care Call Center, Emergency phones located along the motorway, 24/7 Motorist Service Stations (MSS) and free road assistance to immobilized vehicles, thus ensuring the removal of the immobilized vehicles from the motorway and their transport to a safe place.The primary objective is to provide safe and faster transportation conditions as well as high quality services to all Greek citizens.
For more information, please consult:
6th Km Thessaloniki- Thermi57001, ThessalonikiGreeceT : +30 2310 470200F : +30 2310 470284 E : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. W :
Click here to download the 2024 map of HELLASTRON's toll motorway network - JPG format
Data as for 31/12/2023 (Source: 2024 Statistical Bulletin)