Sustainability Forum

Sustainability Forum 2024

26 Nov 2024

The Third Sustainability Forum will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on the 26th of November 2024 on the theme:

Shifting Mindset to Reach Carbon Free Road Infrastructure

Motorway operators are more and more environmentally conscious players and put a high priority on considerations involved with climate change and the environment. There is also a need to modernize and adapt the Infrastructure in compliance with EU objectives to make them greener, to enhance people’s quality of life, to provide equal access to all citizen whether they are living in remote territories or in urban area, to improve resilience of road mobility and to support the smooth functioning of our economies.

The speakers will highlight concrete examples of initiatives that have been implemented or are still being implemented by toll road operators to improve their performances in term of environmental protection, CO2 reduction, use of renewable energy, change of human behavior but also offer new sustainable and resilient mobility solutions.

The following topics will be addressed:

How to encourage the development of new greener mobility options? How to attract private investors and stakeholders ?
• Policy/vision to promote new mobility solutions, use of motorway to sustain mass public transport (BRT dedicated lanes), carpooling, car sharing to reduce CO2…
• AFIR deployment: Electrification of motorway, hydrogen, other alternative solutions

Click HERE to register for the event (free of charge)

You can make your hotel reservation in one of the following hotels:

- Spencer Hotel at ASECAP rate before 15 of October: Room Reservations (
The hotel is located close to the Convention Center where the Sustainability Forum will take place.

- The Samuel Hotel using the promotional code LOYAL for discounted B&B rate

Click HERE to view the preliminary programme